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Heard it Through the Grapevine: Wrong Information About Estate Planning is Worse Than No Information

Mark Twain may have said it best: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” How do most people know something for sure? They hear it from their next-door neighbor, barber, dentist, and Facebook community, of course. The trouble is most of the talk just ain’t so. Here are some of the more common misconceptions.   Common Estate Planning Misconceptions 1....

Pretermitted Child Law Fills in Omission

Not to be personal, but are you a pretermitted child? If you are, then you could be in luck. What is a Pretermitted Child? A pretermitted child is born or adopted during a parent’s lifetime or after that parent’s death, and after execution of that parent’s will. You have some protection to your inheritance if you were not provided for or mentioned in your parent’s will. A Pretermitted Child With No Siblings Here is...

Credit Card Collections: Community Property Throws a Wrench in Generic Advice

A well-known business columnist wrote a column tackling the subject of couples and credit. She addressed the issue of one spouse making the other an authorized user on their credit card and opined that only the person who opened the account is liable for the credit card debt.  She obviously is not from Texas. The Great State of Texas is a community property state. We have our own take on spouses,...