
2018 – A Year in Review Veteran’s Benefits, Fiduciary Rules and More

Circa 2018 was a busy year for elders. New rules came in, old rules went out, and courts issued opinions that shocked. Here are just a few of the changes. Investors beware, again.  The Department of Labor rule that required financial professionals to put their client’s best interests first was blown dead by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in March 2018. The SEC has now picked up the ball and is...

Electronic Wills in Texas

An Idea Before its Time Sometimes it seems as if you can do anything online – order groceries, close on your home sale, buy a gift and have it delivered in time for your mother’s birthday.   Electronic signatures are even more ubiquitous.   There is no question that online commerce provides convenience and uniformity in transactions. Yet your estate plan still requires the use of pen and paper. How is it possible that...